
Becker Taiwan 暨加州州立大學東灣分校 合作 U.S. CPA 學分班 (暫停招生中,預計2024年底重啟)

The Bridging Program 美國會計師學分班介紹






「學分班才有的最後 Simulation 解題總複習,我認為對赴美考前衝刺還不錯。」









  • 在台修讀美國學分,與美國本校相比,學費省一半
  • 上完 Becker CPA 考試補習課程,不需再另花時間補學分
  • 省下近一整年在校修課學分量
  • 所得學分可直接使用報名美國會計師考試,免學歷認證費用與等待時間
  • 購買 Becker 準備考試時,本來就會上 Becker CPA 中文課程,省去額外修學分的時間與交通成本
  • 選修學分班學員獨有,除正課之外,將再獲得每堂課後附上之一小時之情境模擬題 (simulation) 解題班!



每學期課程依照當下 U.S. CPA 考試範圍設計。因應2024年起考試改制、課程內容將大幅改變,新年度學分班內容將再次經學校嚴格審核與批准後、方可授予學分證明,預計2024年秋季公告再次開班日期。

2023年 Fall Term (秋季學期) 為舊制最後一學期,欲省時省力修完學分者,請務必把握時間、於2023年11月25前完成所有看課、作業、期末考,以免耽誤考照計畫。



學分課程代碼 課程名稱與教學範圍 適用 Becker CPA 教材範圍 學分種類 學分數量
ACCT 811c

Financial Accounting and Reporting I

Course objectives are to provide the knowledge and skills a CPA must demonstrate in the financial accounting and reporting frameworks used by business entities. Topics include conceptual framework, financial reporting, financial statements and disclosures.
Will not satisfy course requirement in accounting degree program.

Prerequisite: None

FAR 1-2 Accounting  3
ACCT 812c

Financial Accounting and Reporting II

Course objectives are to provide the knowledge and skills a CPA must demonstrate in the financial accounting and reporting frameworks used by business entities. Topics include monetary assets, inventory, property, plant and equipment, intangibles, investments, business combinations, and goodwill.

Will not satisfy course requirement in accounting degree program.

Prerequisite: None

FAR 3-4 Accounting 3
ACCT 813c

Financial Accounting and Reporting III

Course objectives are to provide the knowledge and skills a CPA must demonstrate in the financial accounting and reporting frameworks used by business entities. Topics include current liabilities, long-term liabilities, leases, derivatives, foreign currency accounting, and income taxes.

Will not satisfy course requirement in accounting degree program.

Prerequisite: None

FAR 5-6 Accounting 3
ACCT 814c

Financial Accounting and Reporting IV

Curse objectives are to provide the knowledge and skills a CPA must demonstrate in financial accounting and reporting frameworks used by business and not-for-profit entities. Topics include pension, stockholders’ equity, earnings per share statement of cash flows, and not-for-profit accounting.

Will not satisfy course requirement in accounting degree program.

Prerequisite: None

FAR 7-8 Accounting 3
ACCT 815c

Financial Accounting and Reporting V

Course objectives are to provide the knowledge and skills a CPA must demonstrate in the financial accounting and reporting frameworks used by state and local government entities. Topics include governmental funds, proprietary funds, fiduciary funds, and government-wide financial statements.

Will not satisfy course requirement in accounting degree program.

Prerequisite: None

FAR 9-10 Accounting 3
ACCT 816c

Auditing & Attestation I

Course objectives are to provide the knowledge and skills a CPA must demonstrate when performing audit engagements for issuer and non-issuer entities. Topics include audit reports, professional standards, audit engagements, audit opinion, quality control, audit planning, and internal control.

Will not satisfy course requirement in accounting degree program.

Prerequisite: None

AUD 1-2 Accounting 3
ACCT 817c

Auditing & Attestation II

Course objectives are to provide the knowledge and skills a CPA must demonstrate when performing audit engagements for issuer and non-issuer entities. Topics include fraud, audit and engagement risk, evidence, sampling, performing further procedures, forming conclusions, and communications.

Will not satisfy course requirement in accounting degree program.

Prerequisite: None

AUD 3-4 Accounting 3
ACCT 818c

Auditing & Attestation III

Course objectives are to provide the knowledge and skills a CPA must demonstrate when performing audit engagements for issuer and non-issuer entities. Topics include integrated audits, attestation engagements, compliance, government audits, accounting and review service, interim reviews, ethics, professional responsibilities.

Will not satisfy course requirement in accounting degree program.

Prerequisite: None

AUD 5-6 Accounting 3
ACCT 819c

Federal Income Taxation I - Individuals

Course objectives are to provide the knowledge and skills a CPA must demonstrate for U.S. federal taxation. Topics include individual taxation on filing requirements, gross income, adjustments, itemized deductions, tax computation, and property taxation on basis, dispositions, gains and losses.

Will not satisfy course requirement in accounting degree program.

Prerequisite: None

REG 1-2-3 Accounting 3
ACCT 820c

Federal Income Taxation II - Entities

Course objectives are to provide the knowledge and skills a CPA must demonstrate for U.S. federal taxation. Topics include corporate taxation, flow-through entity taxation and multi- jurisdictional tax issues, trusts and estates, gifts, tax-exempt organizations, professional responsibilities, and federal tax procedures.

Will not satisfy course requirement in accounting degree program.

Prerequisite: None

REG 4-5-6 Accounting 3
ACCT 821c

Business Law

Course objectives are to provide the knowledge and skills that a CPA must demonstrate with respect to U.S. business law. Topics include agency, contracts, suretyship, secured transactions, bankruptcy, federal securities regulation, other federal laws and regulations, and business structures.

Will not satisfy course requirement in accounting degree program.

Prerequisites: None

REG 7-8 Business 3
ACCT 822c

Corporate Governance and Financial Management

Course objectives are to provide the knowledge and skills in business environment and concepts a CPA must demonstrate when performing audit, financial reporting, tax and other services.

Topics include corporate governance, financial risk management, and financial management. Will not satisfy course requirement in accounting degree program.

Prerequisites: None

BEC 1-2 Business 3
ACCT 823c

Management Accounting

Course objectives are to provide the knowledge and skills a CPA must demonstrate when performing audit engagements. Topics include cost accounting, performance management, projection and forecasting techniques, ratio analysis of forecasts and projections, marginal analysis, budgeting and variance analysis.

Will not satisfy course requirement in accounting degree program.

Prerequisite: None

BEC 3-4 Accounting 3
ACCT 824c

Economic Analysis and Information Technology

Course objectives are to provide the knowledge and skills in business environment and concepts a CPA must demonstrate when performing audit, financial reporting, tax and other services.

Topics include economic concepts and analysis, process management, and information technology.

Will not satisfy course requirement in accounting degree program.

Prerequisites: None

BEC 5-6 Business 3
  學分數總計     42
  會計類學分數總計     33
  商業類學分數總計     9






首先,以實體面授上課或實體數位選看(二選一)方式參加 Becker Taiwan 中文課程(正課),每堂課為3小時

每堂課後,另於 Becker Taiwan 中文雲端教室、線上觀看1小時之該單元情境模擬題 (simulation) 解題班課程影片。




  • 完成 Becker Taiwan 中文課程 (每堂3小時+總複習影片1小時)
  • 學員本人 Becker CPA Exam Review 軟體上,該門課程單元範圍之:
    • 單選題 (MCQ),完成百分比將被採計為 25% 之學分班成績
    • 單選題 (MCQ),已完成題目之答題正確率將被採計為 25% 之學分班成績
  • 參加線上期末考,答題正確率將被採計為 50% 之學分班成績
    • 期末考為24~42題之單選題 (MCQ),以及1~3題之情境模擬題 (Simulation)
  • 以上學分班成績項目加總,得分百分比達 60% 以上為及格


線上期末考於 ExamRoom.ai 考試平台進行。



Becker Taiwan 效期內並有中文課程使用額度之學員,可進一步報名參加此學分班,獲得加州州立大學開立之學分證明。




累計報名三門學分班課程 (9學分),即適用萬元獎學金活動 (請詳獎學金活動細則)




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周一至周五 09:00-17:30 周六 08:00-16:30 (國定假日除外)
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